Registering for the Exam

Registration for the OEBC Written Exam and OSCE is completed through OEBC’s online portal.

Registration for the Spring 2025 administration opens on January 3, 2025, at 12 pm noon ET.

Click here for information and to submit your eligibility and registration requests.

How your Registration is Processed

Registrations from all eligible individuals are handled on a first-received, first-processed basis. 

Click here to see a flowchart outlining the steps involved to complete registration for the exam.

Candidates must submit applications by the deadlines noted. However, if a candidate fails to register for the administration on or before the deadline date, they may request an extended registration for a fee:

  • OSCE : 5 days after registration closes
  • Written: 10 days after registration closes


OEBC is not responsible for processing delays which may occur due to missing, incomplete or inaccurate information and which may result in the candidate missing a deadline; OEBC is not responsible for late submissions, for technical difficulties or for any issues involving third party payors; such matters will not be a reason for appeal. 

A schedule indicating specific dates and times for the exam will be emailed to the candidate approximately six to eight weeks prior to the exam administration. 

OEBC will respond only to written inquiries and will not attempt to interpret exam policies and procedures for any candidate and his/her specific circumstances. OEBC staff strive to respond to inquiries in a timely manner but please keep in mind that during the exam application period, OEBC staff are processing applications and will take longer to respond to inquiries.

Please do not contact OEBC to confirm that your documents have been uploaded correctly. If there is a problem with your registration the Exam Team will contact candidates directly, via email.  


Candidates who may require accommodation should refer to the Exam Accommodations policy for information about how to request an accommodation for the exam.

To register for the exam, candidates MUST have the following (expired identification will not be accepted).

  1. A copy of your valid (unexpired) Canadian or foreign passport. You must submit a copy of the page(s) showing your name, photograph, signature, date of birth and passport expiry date.
  2. A copy of one of the following, which must be valid (unexpired):
    1. Canadian or US citizenship certificate
    2. Canadian or US resident card
    3. Canadian or US Driver’s license
    4. Birth Certificate PLUS one other piece of government issued identification with a photo (e.g. Canadian health card, military card)

       3. OEBC requires a passport-style photo of you.  This photo will be your profile picture on the portal, and it will also be used for your candidate ID badge at the OSCE.  You will be prompted to upload your passport-style photo once more, after payment has been made. 

Please ensure a passport-style colour photo conforms to the specifications outlined below:

    1. Photo size should be approximately 2 to 2.5 inches by 3 – 3.25 inches
    2. Taken within the past 6 months and a current likeness of you
    3. White or light-coloured background
    4. Facing the camera, straight-on – as shown in the example photos below
    5. Clear and in focus
    6. Neutral expression, no smiling
    7. No tinted glasses.

          4. Valid Visa or Mastercard credit card or debit card (if you receive more than one declined notification, please try a different card).

*Loading your profile photo: log into your portal account to upload the passport photo once more:

  • click on “Choose File” at the top of the Profile page.
  • Once you have selected the file, click the “Upload” button, and your profile picture will be set.
  • If this is not your first attempt, you do not need to upload your profile photo.
  • Candidates do not see their profile photo, OEBC will contact you if your upload was not successful.

REMEMBER: Apply early and ensure that all information is accurate. 

Candidate Contact Information 

Contact information must be complete and accurate. This information is used for all OEBC – candidate correspondence. OEBC is not responsible for any miscommunication or inability to complete any aspect of the registration process including Eligibility Request verification as a result of a candidate not providing current and accurate information.

Change of name must be submitted in writing to OEBC at no later than 30 days before the exam with complete details and necessary official documents supporting such changes. 

For change of family name due to marriage, OEBC requires:

  • A notarized photocopy of your marriage certificate and a notarized photocopy of your current passport or government issued ID.

For change of name due to adding or removing part of your name, OEBC requires:

  • A notarized photocopy of your change of name certificate and either a notarized photocopy of your current passport, government issued ID or birth certificate.

For change of family name, returning to your maiden name, OEBC requires:

  • A notarized photocopy of your birth certificate and a notarized photocopy of your current passport.

Change of address must be submitted in writing to OEBC at no later than 30 days prior to the estimated results reporting date.

Eligibility is based on the Exam Eligibility and Retake Policy. Refer to this policy for detailed information about eligibility to attempt the exam. Reminders:

  • Candidates who are graduating from an optometry degree program who forego the advance written option have an opportunity to take the (entire) exam in May of their graduating year.
  • For 4th-year and graduating students, exam eligibility is based on program completion information supplied by schools (i.e. ACOE-accredited optometry programs). OEBC-approval of a candidate’s eligibility request is based on this information.
  • Eligible candidates may challenge either the written and/or the OSCE at their initial attempt.


Eligibility and Registration for each Exam

Individuals may register for only one exam administration (fall or spring) at a time. Registrations for one administration are not “held” or carried over to a subsequent administration.

Eligibility and registration requests must be submitted with each application. For example, candidates who register in the fall of their 4th year must submit a new eligibility request and registration for the spring administration. Candidate eligibility is verified and approved before each exam administration.

Exam Registration Policies

OEBC’s exam administration policies and procedures are established to allow for appropriate security, bilingual administration, and optimum efficiency of administration. All information about the exam including registration is available on this website. If you have reviewed this information and still have a question, please contact OEBC at

All exam dates and deadlines are available on the Key Dates & Deadline page